Episode 52 - Engelbert Flaptyback!

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Engelbert Flaptyback!
  • Artist: Emotionally14
  • Album: The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2017

Rob is joined by Blake, and as it's Episode 52 we do something a bit different - We look at things that are 52! If it was an event in 1965, or a person born in 1965, there's a good chance we talk about it in this episode (Especially if they're wrestlers - there were some busy wrestler parents in 1964!)

We also field a question from our very own Sour Crouch: Are there too many superhero movies?

Welcome aboard The Crazy Train - Emotionally14's flagship podcast dedicated to one theme: there are no rails. Ever. Encompassing a wide range of subjects, from movies to TV to gaming, we'll give you a piece of our minds even if there's nothing in them, and you'll bloody love it. Where will the Crazy Train go?