Episode 51 - Daddy Porn Strowman!

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Daddy Porn Strowman!
  • Artist: Emotionally14
  • Album: The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2017

Rob is joined by Omer and Blake! We invent some new pormography (not a typo, not really), pitch a Braun Strowman reality show and talk about our favourite actors! Along the way, Rob goes to a barbecue and his car likes it so much it stays!

Shout-outs go to The Minutia Men for their lovely 5 Star Review, and to the Master Debaters for their great questions.

Note: Apologies that there are some dodgy audio moments, particularly around echo! We've been tinkering with our kit as we go along, and regrettably it ends up having issues sometimes! Hopefully future episodes will not have this issue.

Intro music: "Outlaw", by Deon Van Heerden. Find out more about Deon's music at deonvanheerden.com!