- Play:
- Song Name: The Last Boulder!
- Artist: Emotionally14
- Album: The Crazy Train
- Year: 2017
In the latest episode of The Crazy Train, Rob is delayed by an *actual* Crazy Train, but is joined by Spike Direction and Blake Harmer to talk about the aforementioned train. They then go on to discuss wearing humans as puppets, impromptu animal funerals (if the council will let you, that is) and ordering glittery insect-ridden corpses to your enemies.
Standard fare, really.
We also talk about people using their gamertags in real life, LEGAL NAME FRAUD (whatever that is), a dude we all met once, music and performance and all sorts. We even take a listener question from Sour Crouch (who couldn't be with us #RIP). We get there via Star Wars. Again, this has been known.
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