Episode 3 - Trolliotattus!

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 3 - Trolliotattus!
  • Artist: Emotionally Fourteen
  • Album: E14 Presents - The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2013

On this week's episode:

Brad is off skydiving.
Rob shares some first impressions of the first few episodes.
Omer shares the contents of his bag of party.
We reinvent penicillin.
We talk sofas and other assorted household gubbins.
We have jolly good fun LARPing Prime Minister's Questions.
Rob sees a public furniture sex act.
Rob encounters a random bellend off his road.
Omer talks about his fool-proof way of avoiding fights.
Omer becomes Guardian of the Plug (It's as exciting as it sounds).
Rob shares a story about his last girlfriend.
Rob shares a story about the world's worst homeless sales pitch.
Rob meets the Junk Wizard.
Omer tells a story about being a ring announcer.
Rob transitions effortlessly from a story about uni, via car crashes, back to the Junk Wizard.


Rob Wade
Omer Ibrahim
Blake Harmer