Episode 41 - "'Chicken Tonight' Still A Thing?"

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 41 - "'Chicken Tonight' Still A Thing?"
  • Artist: Emotionally14
  • Album: The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2016

In this episode of The Crazy Train:

  • Rob makes an announcement regarding a new publication avenue
  • Rob tells a story about a weird package (mehe)
  • Rob gets shorter
  • Rob's girlfriend had a weird dream
  • We talk about bad dreams and scary games
  • Rob messes with his girlfriend
  • Marc messes with his girlfriend
  • We talk a bit about jump scares
  • Marc tells a story about messing with Spike
  • A movie scares one of Rob's friends
  • Rob is the victim of an attempt to make him uncomfortable
  • One of Marc's friends tries to embarrass him
  • We talk a bit about the pitfalls of no pre-planning
  • Rob has a "getting old" gripe
  • We talk a bit about supermarket shopping
  • We talk about costs and prices
  • Blake went to Download!
  • From the mailbag: Has there ever been a dream job you had as a youth that stayed with you to this day?

Starring: Rob Wade, Blake Harmer, Marc Cummins.