Episode 35 - "So Deep It's Not Falsetto!"

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 35 - "So Deep It's Not Falsetto!"
  • Artist: Emotionally14
  • Album: The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2015
  • We talk a bit about #PigGate (Farming term of the year, ruined forever)
  • We reminisce about university, framed against our experiences watching Donnie Darko
  • We talk about our first experience watching The Matrix
  • We enthuse about Richard O'Brien
  • We talk about Kickstarter and crowdfunding
  • We talk about jackets
  • Rob vents about a common complaint he hears
  • Brad pitches a question about signed books
  • Rob vents about the Paedophilecast - coming never!
  • We talk a bit about signed things and convention stuff
  • Rob vents about his new house, which is neither new nor his house
  • There's a teaser of an upcoming Youtube endeavour
  • Brad got married! We talk a bit about that!
  • We talk on horror movies a bit
  • We talk about Benicio Del Toro
  • From the mailbag: If you could go for a beer with anyone from history, who would it be and why?
  • Spun off from the mailbag: If you could go for a beer with anyone fictional, who would it be and why?
  • From the mailbag: What's your ideal superpower?
  • We spin off (as we so often do) into how we'd use infinite power frivolously for our own ends

Starring: Rob Wade, Blake Harmer, Brad Harmer.