Episode 31 - Trademark!

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 31 - Trademark!
  • Artist: Emotionally14
  • Album: E14 Presents - The Crazy Train!
  • Year: 2015

In this episode of The Crazy Train...

We talk about who's here and who isn't.
We talk about ageing a bit.
Rob talks about his trip to Singapore, including:
Rob talks about a Crazy Train callback dessert he had in Borneo.
Brad talks about a weird thing he found in Switzerland.
Rob talks about Singapore in general.
Rob enthuses about Singapore Zoo.
Brad talks about a zoo.
Rob talks about wolverines.
Rob talks about a couple they met on the holiday.
Brad tells a story about holding back on a joke.
Crouch hypothesises about how to attain Nirvana.
Rob tells some sleep talking stories.
Rob "calls out" Spike.
Rob creates a new character on the show, who is instantly Brad's favourite.
Blake doesn't know what a bear is.
Rob tells of some strange dreams he and his girlfriend had.
Rob talks a bit more about Singapore Zoo.
Rob talks a bit about watching orangutans in Borneo.
Siri gets an attitude.
Rob has a rant about aeroplane travel.
From the mailbag: If Hell were a shopping centre, which shops would be in yours?

Starring: Rob Wade, Blake Harmer, Sour Crouch, Brad Harmer

Main site: Http://www.emotionally14.com
Facebook: Http://www.facebook.com/emotionally14
Twitter: @emotionally14