Episode 10 - A Bit Of Steak (To The Heart)

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Episode 10 - A Bit Of Steak (To The Heart)
  • Artist: Emotionally Fourteen
  • Album: E14 Presents - The Crazy Train
  • Year: 2013

In this episode:

It's a full house on The Crazy Train this episode - all 6 of Team E14 is in attendance!
Omer suggests a new catchphrase for Rob.
Rob initiates a celebration in honour of The Crazy Train's success.
We drink some terrible shit. I cannot stress that enough.
Rob *has* to recant on a guarantee.
Brad and Omer talk about going to a wargaming convention.
We talk a bit of geek.
Omer is...king of the poofs. (Context is in the episode).
We talk about a wedding, and Omer's drunken girlfriend.
Omer talks about playing a gig at a pagan wedding. (Yep, that's right).
Brad exposes Omer as a vampire.
Brad tells a story about a fashion victim.
Rob talks about having seen The Trash Wizard
Omer gives Crouch a catchphrase (unwittingly).
We mock a Youtube commenter (not on an E14 video).
Omer talks about a tree which invaded his shop.
Omer eats a terrible concoction.
Rob learns some info about The Trash Wizard, and feels the need to share.